An Introduction to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Today, through the Local Infrastructure Hub and alongside our partners at Drexel's Nowak Metro Finance Lab, Accelerator for America is proud to be publishing a local government resource: An Introduction to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Similar to AFA's Transformative Projects Case Stories published through the Hub, this Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) resource provides mayors and local government leadership with key first steps to take in order to ready themselves for this federal opportunity. And, like each Case Story, we are lifting up existing work in communities across the country - St. Louis, Columbus, Philadelphia, and more - to highlight some of the eligible activities and workforce benefits this program can unlock.


As the GGRF Awardees begin to build out their teams and prepare to bring this funding to ground, AFA, the Nowak Lab, and the Local Infrastructure Hub will strive to provide local leaders with more tools and guidance that make our communities greener and more sustainable. We will track and amplify other resources that local groups and subject matter experts publish to guide locals as you track GGRF opportunities, as well. If you have not already, please be sure to review EPA's fact sheet on their GGRF program here

As always, we welcome the opportunity to connect with you on specific questions you and your teams may have. Reach out to us at

Accelerator for America