Posts in Blog
City Clerk Anna Valencia: Policymaking for the Next Generation

Politics and government often get a bad rap for being an old boys club where deals are made in smoke-filled rooms. While this perception isn’t quite accurate, when it comes to the diversity of people who are in these rooms, government lags far behind. In order to change that, we must empower and promote leaders that represent the full spectrum of experience of the American people.

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BlogAccelerator for America
Mayor Quentin Hart: The Comeback City

Former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad called Waterloo Iowa’s “Comeback City.” We have recent awards to prove it. Waterloo is the Iowa Small Business Association’s 2018 “small business community of the year.” According to Zippia, Waterloo is the 9th best mini metro city for employability and job markets in the US. It’s the most diverse city per capita in Iowa – a strength fueling our “comeback.”

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BlogAccelerator for America
Mayor Eric Garcetti: Helping Cities Help Themselves

There is a lot not to like in the new tax legislation coming down from Washington. But as with any tax bill, there are opportunities to be found. The trouble is, local governments have not been as adept as Fortune 500 companies in combing through complex legislation to identify benefits. That’s why a major focus of Accelerator for America is helping cities take advantage of the Opportunity Zone program found in the new tax bill, and we are doing so in that help individual cities and create templates and networks to help cities all across America.

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BlogAccelerator for America
Gregory Kelly, WSP: Infrastructure Investment Drives Vibrant, Urban Neighborhoods: Spotlight on Baltimore's Port Covington

By spurring private development that will buoy the city’s finances and neighborhoods, and tailoring an approach that works for its communities, the city of Baltimore is harnessing the power of the private sector to meet the challenges of infrastructure project financing, historic disinvestment in communities, and economic development.

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BlogAccelerator for America
Mayor Pete Buttigieg: Coming Back Strong

For decades, life in my hometown of South Bend, Indiana was shaped by the hollowing out of the city's industrial base. Studebaker's manufacturing jobs had put us on the map, but when the company collapsed in 1963, it threw the city into economic shock overnight. Over the next 50 years, our region was hammered by global economic and technological change as well as the 2008 recession. By 2011, Newsweek had declared South Bend one of 10 of "America's dying cities." But today, we’re coming back strong.

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Bruce Katz & Jeremy Nowak : The Investment Prospectus Approach

To understand how the new opportunity tax incentive might benefit inclusive growth, through the non-profit Accelerator for America, we are developing an urban Investment Prospectus for three cities: South Bend, Indiana; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Louisville, Kentucky. The prospectus will look at growth and development issues from macro (city and region) and micro (neighborhoods and districts) perspectives and tie them together through projects and initiatives.

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Bruce Katz & Jeremy Nowak: Can Opportunity Zones Catalyze Institutional Reform?

Across the country, communities are gearing up to attract market investment under the new Investment in Opportunity Act. The law allows people or corporations to defer taxes on capital gains if they keep those gains in qualified Opportunity Funds that target their investments to state-designated Opportunity Zones. The deferred basis is reduced if the investments are for five or seven years; the longer the investment, the better the incentive. If investors stay in a Fund for 10 years, any additional gains from Fund investments are fully exempt from taxes on the capital appreciation.

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Bruce Katz & Jeremy Nowak: Opportunity (Zone) Knocks

With support from Accelerator for America we are working intensively in three cities to develop an urban Investment Prospectus. The Prospectus will define opportunities for channeling private and civic capital into job-creating and skill-building enterprises. The core value that animates the Prospectus is inclusive growth: increased jobs and better access to those jobs for those that have limited employment experience or opportunity.

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